
We are focusing on all of those learning techniques which are capable of dealing with multimodal data. We have a specific focus on disentanglement analysis, learning for forecasting, anomaly detection. We are also collaborating with prof. Franco Fummi for developing tiny machine learning solutions, such as split computing.

ML- News

I2EDL: Interactive Instruction Error Detection and Localization – accepted…

Pleased to announce that I2EDL: Interactive Instruction Error Detection and…

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Mind the Error! Detection and Localization of Instruction Errors…

We are pleased to announce that Mind the Error! Detection…

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Luigi Capogrosso @ VivaTech 2024

Luigi Capogrosso, a PhD student in our research group, is making waves…

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Green FOundation MOdels (GreenFOMO) accepted @ECCV24!

Foundation models generalize well to various downstream tasks, thanks to…

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HARPER Dataset: Human-Robot collaboration, from the robot perspective

In late 2022 three of our PhD students started their…

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A new paper in collaboration with the IIT PAVIS…

We are extremely happy to share that our joint work…

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ML - Research Projects

ML - Team

Marco Cristani

Full Professor

Matteo Denitto

Machine Learning Specialist

Davide Conigliaro

External Advisor

Pietro Lovato

External Advisor

Luigi Capogrosso

PhD Student

Federico Cunico

PhD Student

Francesco Taioli

PhD Student

Federico Girella

PhD Student

Andrea Toaiari

PhD Student

Andrea Avogaro

PhD Student

Karin(Ziyue) Liu

PhD Student

Uzair Khan

PhD Student

ML -Theses and Internships


The aim of this internship and thesis is the expansion…

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INTERNSHIP + MASTER THESIS: Collaborative Robots and pose…

This project has as objective to create a synthetic dataset…

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INTERNSHIP + MASTER THESIS: Visual Tracking and Re-ID…

This project aims to explore the task of semantic segmentation…

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INTERNSHIP + MASTER THESIS: Markerless 3D human pose…

The Project consists in the implementation of a markerless multi-camera…

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INTERNSHIP + MASTER THESIS: Monocular 3D human orientation

Estimate people’s location and orientation from monocular cameras. This is…

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STAGE + BACHELOR THESIS: Multimodal visualization of songs

Are you interested in synesthesis? The idea is to study…

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INTERNSHIP + MASTER THESIS: Multimodal control for advanced…

The goal is to work on an advanced quality control…

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