About Us

INTELLIGO labs is a research team formed by focused labs related to artificial intelligence topics:

All of them are tightly collaborating, within the Engineering Dept. of University of Verona


What’s happening @INTELLIGO labs

I2EDL: Interactive Instruction Error Detection and Localization – accepted @ RO-MAN24

Pleased to announce that I2EDL: Interactive Instruction Error Detection and Localization is accepted at RO-MAN 24! This work is in…

Mind the Error! Detection and Localization of Instruction Errors in Vision-and-Language Navigation – accepted (oral…

We are pleased to announce that Mind the Error! Detection and Localization of Instruction Errors in Vision-and-Language Navigation is accepted…


Luigi Capogrosso @ VivaTech 2024

Luigi Capogrosso, a PhD student in our research group, is making waves at VivaTech 2024, Europe’s biggest tech and startup event! This prestigious event…

Green FOundation MOdels (GreenFOMO) accepted @ECCV24!

Foundation models generalize well to various downstream tasks, thanks to their web-scale pre-training, and have become a de-facto tool in…

Our Collaborations

Universities with which we collaborate.